Monthly Archives: October 2018

Stepping Into the Best With the Right Roofing

Roofing protects the whole building, so every homeowner wants it to be perfect. That is, strong, beautiful, durable, fire-water, windproof, and affordable. Moreover, the choice should be made at the design stage of the house – from the fact that it will have a roof, the structural features of the walls and rafters overlap.

Where to begin?

Calculation of the mass of the roof

In principle, you can build a house under any roof, no matter how massive it may be. But it should be understood that the construction of the whole house will be the more expensive, the heavier the roof will be. Under it, foundation, walls and truss structures are built, capable of withstanding design loads. The use of the Roofing Company is essential there.

For example, 1 square meter of ceramic tiles weighs 35-50 kg. And the roof is not only rafters and tiles, but also snow and wind loads. That is, it is necessary to pawn at least 150-200 kg per square meter.

The price of the question

The price of the roofing material is an important factor, but not the only one. It happens that, no matter how expensive the roofing material is, if for some reason just does not suit the house.

Eclecticism (the combination of different styles) in architecture is a very risky undertaking. A bold decision can cause both admiration and disgust. Two materials that individually look fine, in the composition can worsen the overall appearance of the building.

Unfortunately, many homeowners neglect the advice of architects and designers, believing that the more expensive, the better.

Flexible shingles among roofing materials refers to the average price category: the price of 1 square meter of tile starts from 220 rubles. There are also more expensive brands, the price of which per meter reaches 1500 rubles.

But choosing the roofing material , it is necessary to take into account that the final cost also depends on the cost of additional elements needed for the roof , the peculiarities of laying this or that material.

Just knowing the area of ​​the roof is not enough. So, flexible tile has one indisputable advantage – it’s almost complete absence of waste when installing the roof. Even on complex roofs, it is used as economically as possible – the waste remains about 5%. But, for example, in metal tiles, this figure can reach 40%. At the same time for the installation of flexible tiles, expensive tools, a large number of nails are not required.

In addition, metal under a thunderstorm can accumulate an electric charge, which entails additional costs for installing a lightning rod. On the surface of soft tiles electrical charges do not accumulate.

Architectural solution

Choosing a roof is a matter of taste. If it were not for the individuality of the perception of beauty, then the market would not have such a variety of roofing materials in color, shape and texture. In addition, there are objective factors besides subjective factors. So, when choosing roofing materials, it is necessary to take into account such moments as the angle of the roof slope, its geometric complexity.